woke up in the morning and its raining and it didn't stop raining since yesterday. i know that some of my reader love rainy day, i love it too, but i don't like it when it continuously rain for two days. its uncomfortable because everything is wet. moreover, it servay's camp weekend and because of the rain, we can't finish the lab task that assign to us today. it hurting because it need to be done and it surely will disturbed my future plan. hopefully it did not disturbed my other weekend. This weekend i didn't manage to study anything and thanks god that next week there is no mid-term or quiz. i didn't manage to take any picture because of the rain. sorry guys. hopefully when its time for me and my teammate continue the servay's camp, it is sunny and no sign of rain. The servay's camp is on hold, so this is not the end of servay's camp stories because we got 'Servay Camp Part 3'.
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